Tuesday, September 9, 2014

My heart is heavy tonight Jenna & Dominic LiBrandi my precious Grandchildren

Sept 9, 2014
My precious Grandchildren...my heart is heavy tonight.  Tonight; 2 years ago, is the last time I would see my son...your daddy.  My heart is breaking  for losing him.  I loved him so very much.  There are no words to discribe to you both the complete love I had and have for him.  You daddy had and has the same love for you...only now, it's from heaven.  When you have children you will understand that complete, utter, selfless love.
This is a love I have for you as well.  A love that I will ALWAYS have. A love I have always longed to share with you both.
I hope and pray that your mother will honor your father on his "angelversary" date every year that passes.  I pray that your mother will provide you with knowledge of your daddy and the love he had for you. I pray for YOU BOTH..I pray that one day we shall unit and I can put my arms around you again.....
I love you both so much...my heart aches...my mind and heart hurt...but my love remains.
ALL our loves remains for you both.  The "LiBrandi's" from Arizona to Ohio to Pennsylvania love you...they will always love you and will always want you both in their lives.
God bless you both....
Love you forever...
Your Grandma PJ

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